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Discover special events in Tuscany

Tuscany is rich in Events and Historical Representations. Below is just a sample of what you can experience in the South-East area of Tuscany while enjoying your time at the Cignella resort.

  • Events 6
    Palio di Siena
    July 2nd - August 16th


    The Palio is one of the most important events organized in the city of Siena and takes place every year on July 2nd and August 16th. In the Palio each different Contrada, or rather the "zones" into which the city is divided, challenge each other in a passionate horse race in Piazza del Campo.

    Each Contrada is distinguished by a unique coat of arms and colors and occupies a specific area of the city. Walking through the streets of Siena you can easily understand which Contrada you are in, by observing the flags and coats of arms displayed along the streets.

    On the day of the Palio race, the city is in full swing and the whole day is dedicated to the event.

    Around 3 pm in each Contrada takes place the blessing of the horses and then the great historical procession begins, made up of over 600 participants.

    The procession arrives in Piazza del Campo around 5pm.

    Siena is about 50 minutes drive from Cignella Resort.

  • Events 7
    Giostra del Saracino

    The Giostra del Saracino is the historical re-enactment of the city of Arezzo. The event takes place twice a year: the penultimate Saturday of June in the night edition and the first Sunday of September in the daytime edition.

    The four districts of the city participate in the race.

    Two knights for each district, according to the draw that took place in a solemn ceremony the previous week, run their race against the simulacrum of the Saracino (Buratto king of the Indies) and, hitting his shield with the spear, try to score the best score. Struck by the spear, the Saracen snaps, rotating and threatens the safety of the knight with a heavy flail armed with lead and leather balls.

    Arezzo is about 40 minutes drive from Cignella Resort.

  • Events 8
    Il Gioco del Ponte

    The Battle on the Bridge comes alive with two armies dressed in elaborate and shimmering sixteenth century Spanish costumes.

    It is divided into five phases: the march of the troops along the Lungarni until their arrival in their respective bases, the formal opening of the battle by the Anziano Rettore, the "call to arms" by the troops, the challenges made by ambassadors on horseback, and finally, the battle itself, as the various magistrature compete under the strategic command of their respective leaders.

    The event usually takes place on the last Saturday of June and includes, before the fight, the Historical Procession with its 709 participants.

    Pisa is about 2 hours drive from Cignella Resort.

  • Events 9
    Balestro del Girifalco

    Il Balestro del Girifalco di Massa Marittima e’ una delle piu’ apprezzabili manifestazioni storiche medievali della Maremma Toscana, consiste in una gara di balestra tra i terzieri cittadini con sfilata storica e sbandieratori.

    La suggestiva gara medievale a colpi di balestra si svolge due volte l’anno, solitamente la quarta domenica di Maggio e il 14 Agosto.

    La gara di tiro al bersaglio è preceduta da un corteo storico con più di 150 figuranti; musici, terzieri con le loro dame e sbandieratori si esibiscono in suggestive coreografie, vestiti con preziosi abiti medievali in velluto.

    Massa Marittima dista circa 100 km da Cignella Resort.


  • Events 10
    Scoppio del carro

    On Easter day  the magic of the "explosion of the cart" is renewed in Florence.

    The "Brindellone", the "fire" chariot escorted by 150 musicians and flag-wavers of the Historical Procession, moves from the Prato square, pulled by two pairs of white oxen decorated with flowers, and gets to the Cathedral square, where it is placed in the space between the Baptistery and the Cathedral. Then the dove's fuse is set on fire which, hissing, sets fire to the firecrackers and fireworks expertly arranged on the cart.

    The explosion of the cart is a ceremony that has a particular meaning, especially for the inhabitants of Florence, since it recalls historical and devotional reasons intimately connected to the identity of the city.

    Florence is about 100 km far from Cignella Resort.