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Restaurants around Cignella

Please note that it is recommended you book restaurants in advance during peak season due to high demand. Please also check opening dates & times as restaurants may close Sunday – Tuesday.

At Cignella every Tuesday night during the summer, we hold a BBQ night for guests. A small charge is payable locally to enjoy this casual, fun evening.

At nearby Castiglion Fiorentino, ‘Ristorante Muzzicone’ is famous for its selection of meats, especially the ‘Fiorentina’ steak, weighing from 1kg upwards, and the ‘tagliata’ which is steak cut into small strips and seasoned with olive oil and rosemary.

In Cortona don’t miss a stop at the restaurant ‘Il Ghibellino’, where you will find traditional Tuscan food, wonderful wines, satisfying pizzas and exquisite desserts.

At Marciano della Chiana, restaurant ‘Steccheto’ serves imaginative food typical of the region including pasta filled with ricotta and a parmesan sauce, ricotta ravioli and truffle sauces.

At Lucignano, restaurant `La Rocca’ serves delicious bruschette with vegetables and beans seasoned with extra virgin olive oil, delicious pici with goat sauce, tagliatelle with mushrooms or truffle, soups and delicious fruit tarts.